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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"Winning" Is Easy America

     Campaign For Nutrition is not your Ordinary Campaign
 This is a movement to change the world on the subject of Healthcare, as well as sharing easy, preventative measures to avoid unwanted and unnecessary pain! 

     Did you know that the Food and Drug administration has to be SUED before anyone can state a particular claim?

"Once you eliminate the impossible,  whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth" -Sherlock Holmes

     The Food and Drug administration does not want crucial biological beneficial information to be freely disseminated! For example, its known that Folic Acid plays a very important role in preventing certain birth defects! Most people don't realize, this all had to go through the court system before folic acid proponents could state those claims! After the courts agreed that this claim should be given to the public, neural tube defects have declined by 50-70% in the United States and Canada!  Imagine all the thousands of healthy children born because of this one rule that would have not been possible without the dissemination of this claim!

     We believe here at Campaign For Nutrition, that we are far better off in making educated decisions when we have access to all of the beneficial information. The Food and Drug Administration, however, feels that your access to health information should be limited to what the FDA allows.

     There are many beneficial nutrients with multiple beneficial effects of which could benefit the greater good of mankind! In order for this information to be given to you, many more court cases will be needed to be filed which is what Youngevity Essential Life Sciences is doing! So far, the company is leading the dietary supplement industry against the FDA and have been successful in authorizing claims having to do with the risk of Cardiovascular Heart Disease (leading cause of death)(over 500,000 Americans die each year from) and of certain cancers including benefits from Essential Fatty Acids in Fish oils and the Trace Mineral Selenium! 

Imagine the possibilities, if we could reduce the occurrence of these preventable deaths simply by educating the consumer! 

We ALL have a fundamental right to know the truth
 to make decisions regarding your health!

90 Essential Nutrients for Optimum Health!
60 Essential Trace Minerals (Preferably Plant Derived)
16  Essential Vitamins
12  Essential Amino Acids 
3    Essential Fatty Acids

Click Here: For Healthy Start Pak and other products!
Ask About our 90 For Life program and Healthy Body Challenge!!

     A Deficiency in any one of these will eventually lead to one or more of the many different nutritional deficiency diseases. If you have any particular disease you would like to know more about or have an issue that you believe is designated to be a disease, please visit my website and click the Basics Page!

Good Foods / Bad Foods
     Does it seem like no matter what you do, you never can seem to get control of your weight? Most people who actively participate in a particular Diet usually have either quit or gained weight within 12 months? Have you ever lost weight, only to see at all it come right back? There is a reason for this which most of us cannot see. The hidden ingredients of which your body is actually craving are Trace Minerals! 

     If your serious about being healthy, and want to see better results, follow these guidelines:

     The following foods need to be avoided at all costs:

  1. Gluten- Wheat, Barley, Rye (Hinders your ability to
  2. Fried Food- (Acrylamides cause Cancer and can damage male reproductive glands)
  3. Carbonated Drinks with Meals - (Hinders ability to absorb nutrients during your meal)
  4. Oats, Oatmeal (Even if Gluten Free)
  5. Oils (Cooking Oils or Salad Oils including Olive Oil & Coconut Oil)
  6. Overcooked Meats - (You have a much greater risk for Cancer when consumed)
  7. Deli Meats (especially products with Nitrates)
  8. Skin of any "Baked" Patatoes (Or yams or Sweet Patatoes) 
     The Best Foods for your Diet:
  • Butter, Salt, Dairy, Fish, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Vegetables, Fruits, Rice, Millet, Beans, Quinoa, Corn, Lard
  • Eggs (soft scrambled in butter, soft boiled, poached)
  • Beef (Medium-Rare/Rare)
  • Mixed, Salted Nuts (No Peanuts)
  • Pure Buckwheat (Isn't Wheat)
  • Couscous (Made from Pearl Millet Only)
  • Coffee, Tea, Green Tea, Wine
  • 4-8 Oz filtered water each day (Avoid soft plastic bottles.
     PHYTATE Foods

     Certain foods that we consume contain what we call Phytates, which bind to minerals causing them not to be as absorbable to the body. Ideally you want to consume your Mineral Supplements from Youngevity 2 hours before eating phytate foods or 3 hours after eating phytate foods.

Examples of Phytate foods:
  • Linseeds, Sesame seeds, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Coconuts, Hazelnuts, Peanuts, Walnuts, Corn, Oats, Rice, Wheat, Pinto Beans, Chick Peas, Lentils, Soybeans, Tofu, Spinach 

Please feel free to contact us for any questions! We have formulated Healthy Start Paks including the 90 essential nutrients with hundreds of others supplements to support and promote your bodies ability to heal itself! 

We are currently looking for aspiring, ambitious leaders who would like to see their financial dreams come true. 

Check out this article published by the Wall Street Journal exposing the Anti-Fat Crusade!

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Monday, April 14, 2014

"Canaries In A Coal Mine"

      One of the earliest warning systems for coal miners was to take a Canary with them into the mines because they could easily detect the presence of methane gas. The Canaries would chirp and sing and make noise all day long until levels of gases would interrupt their ability to breathe or the bird fell over dead completely. This would serve as a warning to miners that there may be toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane or carbon dioxide, which would drop the canary dead before the gas effected the miners! If the Canary died, the miners knew that it was time to get out! Without this bird, the miners wouldn’t have any clue if the mine had adequate amounts of oxygen for the miners! Even as gas technology improved, some mining companies used the low cost & very efficient Canary method well into the 20th century!

      Today, the practice of using a bird to test the air supply has become part of coal mining lore, but the idealogy behind it has become a popular expression. The phrase "living like a canary in a coal mine" often refers to serving as a warning to others. The actual canary had little control over its fate, but it continued to experience life's dangers without compromise.

      In business, Corporation's use this strategy for future growth or reduction. A Large corporation may use a small company to test the waters for a brand new product line, for instance. Even if the company experience modest profits and losses, the large corporation can evaluate the feasibility of the product without risking a large investment. By carefully observing any early indicators, industries can avoid major failures down the road or benefit from a jump on the competition.

(Marlin Perkins Left, Dr. Barry Commoner Middle, Dr. Joel Wallach Right)

      In 1962, Dr. Barry Commoner, Prof. Dept. of Biology, Washington University; and Marlin Perkins (Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom), Director of the St, Louis Zoological Gardens and the Shaw’s Botanical Gardens were looking for a pathologist to head up a research program funded, in part, by for The Center for the Biology of Natural Systems. The intention of the study was to determine the effects of pollution and nutritional deficiencies as contributing factors in the genesis of birth defects and chronic diseases in captive exotic species held in zoological collections and humans living in close proximate. In effect the zoological collections were to be used as modern day “canaries in the coal mine.” What a brilliant idea!

      Dr. Wallach was chosen to fill this position because he was the only person in the world that had a knowledge base in all three areas of the research’s concern – agriculture, veterinary science, and comparative pathology. Additionally, while he was pursuing dual degrees in Veterinary medicine and Comparative Pathology. 

      As head of this project, Dr. Wallach performed more than 20,000 autopsies in animals and humans and review millions of blood chemistries and tissue slides with special stains. His findings were numerous and Wallach published his findings in many peer-reviewed veterinary, medical and pathology journals, as well as now, 9 different multi authored textbooks. One of Dr. Wallach's many noteworthy findings was that coronary heart disease was due to inflammation of the arterial lining rather than elevated blood cholesterol (1971). His opus Maximus, The Diseases of Exotic Animals, (Below, Left) is in the Smithsonian Institute and is recognized as a National Treasure. In 1978, Dr Wallach was the first to indentify and discover Cystic Fibrosis in a monkey where before, Doctor's only recognized Cystic Fibrosis as a genetic human disease.

      Interestingly enough, Dr. Wallach was fired in 1978, from his position as a pathologist at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center, Emory University based out of Atlanta Georgia. This came 10 days after his first wife passed away from having cancer and going through too many chemotherapy treatments. It came 7 months after his discovery and identification of non-human Cystic Fibrosis in a rhesus monkey & one month after an Official news release by Emory University announcing Wallach's confirmed discovery. Wow, are you kidding me?!

      Dr Wallach was fired for daring to say that Cystic Fibrosis might not be genetically transmitted in the classical DNA transfer manner but rather appeared to be a congenital deficiency of the trace mineral Selenium in the embryo. 

      In an interesting twist, a special issue of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research's Journal (Serendipitous Insights Involving Nonhuman primates dated June 2nd, 2011) again confirms Dr. Wallach's findings of Cystic Fibrosis in nonhuman primates was one of the most important findings in primate research in the 20th century. However, in the body of this report, the authors made this interesting remark that, "Emory University refused to release the name of the young pathologist (Wallach) who had originally made the Cystic Fibrosis discovery."

      In the 33 years since Wallach;s termination from Yerkes Primate Research Center, Wallach has sued the Food & Drug Administration in Federal courts to get useful but withheld information released to the general public (folic-acid-neural tube defects; selenium and cancer prevention; omega-3 fatty acids and the prevention of thrombosis; antioxidants and the reduce rates of disease; etc.) Dr. Wallach has identified the causes, prevention and cures for numerous birth defects (Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Congenital Deafness; Down Syndrome; Multiple Sclerosis; etc.) asthma, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, celiac disease, IBS, inflammatory bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Chron's Disease, GERD, ADD, ADHD, autism, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease; all four dimentias; cardiomyopathy; congestive heart failure; coronary artery disease; arterial fibrillation; aneurysms; kidney failure; primary sclerosing cholangitis; sleep apnea; lupus; fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathies, degenerative disc disease; obesity; Type 2 diabetes, Metabolic syndrome.
      The term "Canary In a Coal Mine", which may seem like just another ordinary folklore to the average miner, actually played a important role in research and discovering how we can actually overcome genetic diseases, elevate society to a much healthier world, a world where diseases are curable & preventable! Now lets go tell the world about this story!
      If you have been intrigued about this story and would like to know more, please feel free to visit & subscribe to our Newsletter!

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Friday, April 4, 2014

The "800 Pound Gorilla"

Therapeutic Nutrition and Diet 

are the answers to our healthcare crisis!

The definition of the metaphorical term 
"800 Pound Gorilla" or "Elephant in the room" 
means that there is an obvious truth that is either 
being ignored or is going unaddressed.

  • What have we been sold: Medical Industry Propaganda - unconscious social conditioning

Cultural Paradigm that we are suffering from is the false belief that Medical Doctors are the only viable Medical Therapy and the rest, Osteopathic, Naturopathic, Acupuncturists, traditional Chinese medicine are strictly alternative therapies.

  • In a perfect world we would have a choice of what medical therapy we would like.

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”  Benjamin Rush Signee of Declaration of Independence.

  • There have been 0 studies published anywhere that show any relationship between high cholesterol & heart disease.
             -So why are Statin Drugs Pushed down our throats?
             -Our Brains are 85% by weight, Cholesterol!
             -"But we have Good and Bad Cholesterol!!!"
                     ^^  I've heard this so many times! ^^
Lower Cholesterol actually increases your chance of death!

You need Cholesterol to make Testosterone!
Hence the reasons for all the talk about Erectile Disfunction!
The United States allows Pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to consumers 

How to Dominate 
Culture of Medicine in USA

Direct to Consumer Ads 

to the tune of 
30 Million dollars a year

Drug companies also advertise directly to doctors 

Over 20 billion dollars a year, which is about
50,000 dollars per Doctor

  • Pfizer Dr Jarvik "I trust my heart to Lipitor" Dr Jarvik who has the artificial heart. He trusts his heart to Lipitor, even when there are 0 studies published! He should go to Jail!

Vioxx- Dorothy Hamill- 60 million dollars of federal funded research went in
killed 20,000 people
then it was taken off the market by VIOXX and NOT FDA!

The side effects from allopathic reductionistic M.D. Medicine, 
we have all heard them repeatedly!

Every Night watching TV, we come across dozens of drug commercials w/ all the crazy side effects! Why are we advertising drugs directly to consumers? So much for our Medical Doctors going to Medical School for all of those years!

The United States spends more than 2.6 Trillion each year on Healthcare more than all of the other 203 countries listed in United Nations. This is what we get:

United States ranks 92nd in Healthfulness (91 Other countries People are healthier)

United States ranks 60th in Longevity (59 Other countries People Live Longer than us)

United States ranks 41st in Live Berth- 1st Month Survivabilty of our Babies


The United States does rank # 1 in Obesity!
I know as an avid Kentucky Basketball Wildcat Fan (I bleed blue) that these types of results would NEVER be accepted in the land of the bluegrass. Which is why I believe we the people of America, should NOT accept these types of results either!
Medical Doctor's having a stubborn sense of self-Importance in our Medical Industry, sacrificing the Greater Good & also holding an "Invisible" prejudice against "Alternate" Therapies just as most people hold grudges against network marketing companies without understanding why!

Do you believe Doctors are working hard, day and night for cures?
        -Medical System is Profit Driven & Not Results Driven
        -Medical Doctor's are trained to treat your symptoms, not to cure Disease.
        -Holistic therapy brings a unique approach to therapy which focuses on the individual as a whole, not a machine or engine full of different parts!
There is no Placebo Effect in Veterinarian Medicine.
       -We have spent billions of dollars preventing our Pets from obtaining over 900 diseases through Nutrition.
       -Our Pets are not smart enough to know the difference so we decided to develop Pet food that has all of the animals nutrition packed into each nugget to allow our pets to receive complete nutrition in every single bite.
       -Obesity is a simple Mineral Deficiency Disease
       -Diabetes is a simple Chromium and Vanadium deficiency Disease
Dr. Wallach and Youngevity on the forefront of the dietary supplement industry by protesting the Food & Drug Administration. 
  • Dr. Wallach has sued the FDA 8 times and has won 7 1/2 of those cases:
  • Dr. Wallach sued the FDA, so that we can honestly tell you that if you supplement with the 3 essential fatty acids you significantly decrease your chance for heart disease or heart attacks!
  • Dr. Wallach sued the FDA to acquire the Health Claim that taking 200 Mg of Selenium per day which is cheaper than dirt:
                 -Reduces occurrence of Breast cancer by 82%
                 -Reduces occurrence of Prostate cancer by 69%.
                 -Reduces occurrence of Colon cancer by 64 %.
                 -Reduces occurrence of Lung cancer by 39% even if you are a smoker!
     Even though Selenium, has all of these unbelievable health benefits, there is NOT One Nutrient more important than the other 89 Essential Nutrients. Supplementing with a absorbable Calcium product alone would eliminate your chances of 147 different diseases!
If everyone in the world were taking the 90 Essential Nutrients, Chronic Disease in this world would be no more and our "Healthcare" Crisis would be no more! Its the 800 pound Gorilla that no one is talking about!
I challenge you to investigate these facts!
I challenge you to challenge the status-quo!
I challenge you to become apart of Campaign For Nutrition!
To stay up to date with our Blog Click Here:

Written By Jeremy Wilson

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Why did the MDA FIRE Jerry Lewis?


      Jerry Lewis was born March 16, 1926. The American comedian, actor, singer, film producer, screenwriter and film director just turned 88 years old this year. He is well known for his humor in film, television, stage and radio. Most know that he was originally paired up with Dean Martin in 1946, forming the famed comedy team of Martin and Lewis. In addition to the duo's popular nightclub work, they starred in a successful series of comedy films for Paramount Pictures in the 50's and 60's. Lewis is also known as the national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association & hosted the MDA's annual beloved 21 hour Labor Day Telethon from 1966-2011. "Jerry's Kids" is what they came to be known by. Families would look forward to watching the 21 hour telethon because it was exciting! Jerry helped so many kids and families from all over the world for a long time!

  • Lewis has won several awards for lifetime achievements from The American Comedy Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association, and Venice Film Festival, and he has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 
  • In 2005, he received the Governors Award of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Board of Governors, which is the highest Emmy Award presented. 
  • On February 22, 2009, the Academy of Motion Picture Art and Sciences awarded Lewis the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.
  • He lived by his personal motto, "I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again!" 
          The Muscular Dystrophy association to this day, still maintains that Mr. Jerry Lewis just simply retired. The epic release of a scientist's new book, the same guy who starred as the veterinarian on the old show Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom a few decades ago, Dr. Joel Wallach D.V.M., N.D., B.S. (Pictured-right) just finished his 9th world international book release called EpiGenetics!

EPIGENETICS, The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission  

     There is no other book that embraces all of the events (political, socially, biologically, nutritionally, chemically and genetically) that have been spawned since the publication by Darwin more than 100 years ago. EPIGENETICS is required reading for the very survival of Americans and yes all of. It is predictable that this book will impact the world of the everyday man, science, politics, social engineering and medicine to the same degree that Darwin's The Origin of Species did more than 100 years ago. This book will be welcomed and enjoyed by religious leaders, community leaders, educators, parents and students of biology, nutrients and genetics in all forms. The general public will obviously be the larger market. Wallach has been lecturing 300 times per year to national and international audiences for more than 20 years. The best known book written by Dr Wallach and his wife Dr. Ma Lan is called Dead Doctors Don't Lie, of which hundreds of thousands have been sold and dozens of CD titles - the most listened to of which is Dead Doctors Don't Lie which has sold just short of 200 million copies - Dr. Wallach's audience is very large and very loyal.
       Mr. Lewis received documented Government research from Dr. Joel Wallach which he gathered back in 1978, found the cure to muscular dystrophy which was the deficiency of ONE single mineral, Selenium! 

         As soon as Jerry showed the MDA the results and the cure for muscular dystrophy, he got fired. Jerry Lewis spent his life, as the face of the MDA unselfishly helping millions of children and the M.D board of directors just fired him. All the excitement with Jerry's Kids, “Will they make it? Will they reach their goal?” It’s all over! American families looked forward to watching the Muscular Dystrophy telethon hosted by Mr. Lewis for 45 vs straight years. The show was reduced from 21 hours to 6 hours and now the show is a entertainment special with one of the Kardashian's as one of the hosts. In the end, Lewis knows how many kids and families he helped and those children and individuals know it too. The whole point of what Jerry was doing was raising money for a cure for the MDA. The mission was to find a cure to prevent kids and families from getting these horrible degenerative diseases! 

The MDA told Jerry that if he brought it up to anyone, he would be acting outside of the non-disclosure contract he signed and he would be sued for everything he owned!!! When it comes down to it, the MDA is a mafia organization stealing billions of dollars in donations from emotional American families!! It is a sad sight to see someone work so damn hard there whole life to eventually find exactly what he’s been looking for his whole life only to be turned down.

The time has come to understand that this same scientist, Dr. Wallach, has sued the FDA 8 times to be able to have certain Health claims, which if you didn't know, is a pretty big deal. Having the ability to completely know for sure that if you take a omega 3 fatty acid, it will dramatically decrease your chances of a heart attack. Dr. Wallach also found the cure for Cystic Fibrosis a while back as well and he’s known about these incredible cures for some time but there are people hard at work keeping beneficial health information as well as this man of principle from ever being shared on the mainstream media sites or television! Dr. Wallach has not visited the doctor in over 65 years. If everyone were like Dr. Wallach the Medical Industry would be real humble, wouldn't they?! Our country probably wouldn't be in the economic crisis that its in right now, either!

        As you can see Jerry Lewis performed his work with his unbelievable love and heart felt touch. If you ask me, he looks like he doesn't even want to end the show. I don’t believe he ever wanted to quit doing these marathons. The facts are what they are; he approached the organization with clinically verified research done by Dr. Wallach who was hired by our own government to do the work in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Jerry Lewis cared for the people he worked with & he cared so much for the families and children who had undesirable diseases. He was fortunate to give so many children a big bright smile. Jerry Lewis is a very good man.
        Fortunately, we now have the answer to Muscular Dystrophy. We know the cure now on how to prevent children from ever being stuck in a wheel chair. We have the truth, it will set us free. We have the responsibility to share with our friends, families and whoever maybe is suffering from these horrible degenerative diseases as we speak.
        Our mission at Campaign for Nutrition is the same; share these stories with everyone to make sure we don’t forget what Jerry Lewis lived for. We can continue to fight for his cause even though our beloved telethon is now a sight of the past!

Youngevity's Ultimate Selenium
Selenium is an essential nutrient to the human body, which humans require, but cannot make. These nutrients must be provided in the diet or in supplement form. Selenium is also considered to have “anti-oxidant properties” which have been identified by the National Academy of Sciences as “a substance in foods that significantly decreases free radicals (e.g. reactive oxygen) and reactive nitrogen substances (e.g. N-nitroso compounds)”.

Lets all live by Jerry Lewis's personal motto, "I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again!" 

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 Here is a link to see what has happened financially to the telethon, excuse me, entertainment special.